Stop being skull-crushingly, mind-numbingly boring!
Stop wasting time, energy and money and finally get a
red-hot signature story
and neon-bursting marketing approach
that brings in lots of clients,
makes you lots of money + adds lots of fun!
This proven, step-by-step program takes
you through exactly how to do it!
Dear Entrepreneurs and Badass Service-Based Business Owners,
You’re an expert. You’re ready to help a lot of people and make a big impact in the world. Underneath that, what you crave on the deepest level is to connect. But right now – you’re pissed. You’re stuck. You’re frustrated. You can’t seem to reach those ideal clients, or if you do – you can’t inspire them to take action. You know you have the expertise, and you know your content is rock solid. So what’s the problem?
You can’t figure it out. It doesn’t make sense!
But it feels a lot like this….
- Everyone says success in business these days is all about story story story. But you’ve been avoiding it. Or, you’ve been trying to write “story” and it’s sucking. You’re worried you’re boring. You think you can’t write. You feel like you have something to say, something you need to share – but you don’t know what to write. Or where to start. What is “story” anyway? And how does it fit with business?
- Everyone is telling you it’s all about the customer. But that’s exactly who you’ve been trying to write and speak to, and it’s not working. The money isn’t flowing in, and people aren’t lining up to work with you the way you want. Something’s shifted.
- You feel lost in a maze of online marketing madness. Templates, blueprints, guaranteed formulas. Here a script, there a script. It’s beginning to feel as if all this internet stuff is nothing but raw sewage.
- You just want to know the next thing to do that will actually bring you closer to your fiery mission and bring in the money!
It can make you question if you’re even supposed to be in
business for yourself, to share your gifts and expertise
the way you imagine — because if you were,
it wouldn’t be so frakkin’ hard!
Are you thinking, maybe I suck? Maybe I’m not cut out for this? Maybe I should give up, go back and get a job and let that dream die?
Chill! Sloooooow down. Let’s not quit yet!
I’m Rachel, and I’ve been there. I have soooo been there. And I am raising a glass to you, because you don’t have to stay there either. If I can get out – anyone can.
This is not one of those marketing tricks where I streeeeeetch the truth and say I was there, and I really wasn’t.
Because the bare naked truth is – for many years, I had both a writing and teaching career that together was bringing in no higher than thirty thousand a year – in a good year. Er, a really good year. Sometimes it brought in such a small income, I got audited. The IRS wanted to know how I was living on so little money. That year, I had a Los Angeles Times bestseller book. You’d be surprised – that’s more typical than you think.
I KNEW I was good at what I did. I was a bestselling, traditionally published author, and I’d been teaching creative writing since 1995. My readers loved me. My students loved me. (The ones that didn’t hate me, that is! I write “brutally honest” stories. Not everyone digs it.) Then in 2004, I finally realized nobody was going to save me. No arts patron was going to drop down from the sky. I’d had enough of adjunct teaching hell and low-paying writing gigs.
So I started Writers On Fire, without knowing anything about business. I just had a lot of chutzpah, and a vision. Writers On Fire originally offered luxury writing retreats for the creative adventurer. I could see that my clients were experiencing powerful transformations, but I couldn’t figure out how to turn it into a good, consistent living. Even though one minute I was at a chateau in France running a writing retreat – the next I was back home in Topanga Canyon, scrambling for rent – and borrowing money. It wasn’t pretty.
It was…shameful. I felt like I was living a double life.
There were times when I felt like quitting, like something was wrong with me. Like I should pack up and head to a tropical island, buy some birds — and sell photos with tourists posing with those parrots on the beach.
I felt totally alone. I felt like a loser.
But here’s the thing. Once I got clear about how I could translate my mastery in storytelling and my skill in drawing out people’s truest voice for entrepreneurs, and badass service-based business owners, things started to come together.
Sure I had to learn how to articulate that clearly. How to stand in my value and share it with prospects and clients. Not to mention I had to learn the basics of business after being a bohemian writer who paid no attention to money for most of my life. Funny enough – all my years of writing and teaching personal story fed directly into my sales conversations! Who would’ve thunk? And before you knew it, in two years, this former brokeass writer was now a six-figure business owner.
This success was not in the cards for me. I faced my ignorance, and my unhappiness. I made a choice. Then I got massive business training and hired coaches.
I always say this, and I’ll say it again – If I can do it, you can do it!
I’m here because I want to share what I learned…
It’s called…
This step-by-step program short-cuts the steps so you can zero in quickly on your most powerful story, learn the right way to shape and craft it for the greatest impact – and how to translate that into blog posts, tweets, articles, books and talks. We’re talking evergreen skills, and evergreen stories you can tell over and over again. But you’ve got to do it the right way, the way I’m going to show you. You may have noticed, there’s a lot of bogus storytelling out there. No wonder you are confused. And you probably don’t want to spend as many years as I did learning how to do it the real way, the way that makes you irresistible to clients, and money.
Think of this boot camp as a bridge between your right brain and your left brain. Between the linear logical and the tilt-a-whirl creative sides.
The missing link between your expertise – and your ability to reach, inspire and enroll your ideal clients.
This is where the magic lies.
Honestly? This boot camp is what I wish I’d had when I was struggling for so long to figure out how my mastery could attract and support clients in business.
This bootcamp has got everything you need to start getting more clients and making more money on the page and on the stage. And, it’s fun! Because it requires you to
engage more fully, in every way.
“…I closed a contract worth almost ten times my investment for the bootcamp.”
“When I joined Fire + Flow, I thought I didn’t have many stories — nor did I see how they would be valuable to my business. What I learned under Rachel’s skillful guidance was that I had more stories than I ever knew. I now understand that facts tell….stories sell. I learned how to take MY stories and craft and convey them so my SPECIFIC audience could resonate with me, my message and the value of my expertise.
By crafting and delivering a powerful story, with a powerful message, I was able to approach the sales process differently (both from the stage and the page). A way that felt authentic and of service to my potential clients. My first “sales” presentation after the bootcamp got rave reviews. A few people said, “You tell great stories”! Later that day, I closed a contract worth almost ten times my investment for the bootcamp.”
Varian Brandon
Transformational Leadership Coach
“…I’ve signed on 18 new private clients. And I’m still counting…”
“I came to Rachel in a panic because I was preparing to do my first breakout speech at an event. I’d invested a ton of money in the sponsorship and I wanted it, needed it, to pay off. I’d never used much personal story in my presentations — what was the relevance? — and flat-out hate writing. I knew my material inside out, but I also knew it wasn’t enough. I needed some kind of advantage to stand out.
Rachel jumped right in and immediately helped me look at my life from a storyteller’s perspective. It was like an outsider looking in. I used far more personal story in my speech than I ever have before and nearly 100% of the room took me up on my free offer. The rest of the two-day conference, I felt like a superstar. It was one of my top three peak life experiences. I repeated the success at my next breakout, with almost 100% signing up for my offer, again. To date, I’ve signed on 18 new private clients. And I’m still counting…”
Maddie Brown
The Entrepreneur’s CFO
It’s about building a business and stepping into your unique power through claiming your true voice and signature story. It’s about learning the right way to do that, and the most effective techniques that come from decades of immersion in the world of writing as a published, working author and teacher.
One of the benefits of the program is – you will feel more confident, more connected, and more whole. And that is good for business…and good for life.
“68 sign ups from a breakout session with an audience of 73 is an amazing result!
What a difference
working with a pro makes!”
“68 sign ups from a breakout session with an audience of 73 is an amazing result! And having 188 people out of 275 attendees at a conference hand over their business cards to win a prize is a coup. This just happened to me a week ago at an event where I was a sponsor and a breakout speaker – my first sponsorship of a 3-day event.
The key factor is that I shared 2 personal stories and an inspirational client story. The common thread of the feedback is that the audience resonated with what I shared. That I was authentic and real – one of them.
This was only the 2nd time I have shared my personal stories, and both times the results have astounded me. I finally understand the power of true connection that comes with sharing from the heart, of being vulnerable in front of an audience. I understand what it is like to move an audience and still stand in my power and control my own emotions as I share secrets even my closest friends do not know.
Working with Rachel over the past few months has enabled me to open up (and dig up) those stories. When we started, I didn’t think I had any that would be interesting to my audience. What a difference working with a pro on bringing out your story makes! I know the results of this latest event would be very different had I not opened up, shared myself openly, and followed her wise guidance.”
Diana Needham
Marketing Expert, Business Coach, LinkedIn Expert
“Rachel helped me break through, bullshit beliefs that ‘I can’t write’ and ‘What the hell do I have to talk about?’ I earned $28,000 since our Intensive Day.”
“I don’t like to admit it, but until recently I was NOT clear on my story. I was beginning to feel stuck. My copy was falling flat. My sales pages sucked. I realized my message had begun to sound like everyone else’s. I had big speaking gigs coming up where I’d have to nail my story on the stage. There was something I wasn’t seeing, something critical to my next leap. Its absence from my awareness was making my story — my true voice — hard to hear. So I hired Rachel.
The intimacy of the ½ day intensive with Rachel was a beautiful thing. She created a safe space free of judgment. Rachel was able to help me collect stories and memories and fragments…and then move from remembering them as a participant to seeing them from the outside. The exercises we did, the guidance Rachel gave, and the environment she created, helped me break through my made-up, bullshit beliefs that “I can’t write” and “What the hell do I have to talk about?”
Since learning to speak to prospective clients in my own voice, about the truth of what is possible, from the perspective of my real story, I’ve achieved the following results:
- My close rate doubled
- My sales cycle has shrunk by 50%
- I booked 5 Wake-Up calls (½ hour a piece)
- I signed 4 new clients
- I earned $28,000 since our Intensive Day
Speaking someone else’s language = Dissonance.
Speaking in my own voice = Resonance. And Revenue!
Rachel was, and continues to be, an amazing guide as I move from feeling stuck to OWNING my story.”
David Taylor-Klaus
Coach and Mentor to Entrepreneurs and Executives
When you register today for
You will get:
8 Content-Rich Weekly Sessions
Week #1: Fire + Flow
For your business to stand out, you have to stand out. This means you have to nail and share your signature story on the page, and on the stage. Expertise is no longer enough. You must also emotionally engage and entertain your prospects and clients. This way, your story and your unique voice make your message – and you — irresistible. But – there’s a specific way and proper technique to pull this off. Let me show you how.
Week #2: Unleash Your Senses
Don’t make the mistake most entrepreneurs and service-based business owners make and try to tell your story in a dry, linear way. In this session, you get specific about who needs your help the most and how to emotionally engage and entertain them through the senses – so they can actually hear your expertise – and then buy your services.
Week #3: Digging for Gold – Your Memory is a Marketing Tool
Don’t be confused between talking about an emotion and inspiring someone else to feel an emotion. This week you get clear about another rich source for your stories, and how to tap into that material from your past and recent past for emotional power! This clarity and the techniques to achieve it will help you identify and shape stories that attract your clients by activating the critical Know, Like and Trust factor. People buy from people they trust. And from emotion. There’s an art to inspiring feelings in a genuine way.
Week #4: Take Two! Writing is Rewriting OR Your Story is a Mini-Movie
Never ask yourself again, how do I provide an experience for my prospects and clients using writing alone. Because, now that you know how to open the sensory door to a vivid story, how to tap into your memory so there’s emotional engagement, it’s time for you to entertain and connect with them by painting a moving picture in their minds and hearts – I share with you my scene techniques that have anchored everything from sales conversations to blog posts and consistently brought in ideal clients, referrals and money.
Week #5: To Bore is the Biggest Sin: The Art of Your Signature Story
Now that you’ve connected with your ideal client through scene, it’s time to pinpoint your signature story. I know it’s scary to think of narrowing it down, and committing. What if it’s the wrong one? But don’t worry. By this point, you know so much more about yourself, your true voice, and how to tell stories so they connect with your clients. We will identify and play with your story so you see how it works in a short Tweet, or in an hour-long talk – and everything in between.
Week #6: Tony Soprano Says Go Deeper – The Vertical Velocity of Your Voice
Congratulations! You’ve conquered the existential angst of the blank page. You’ve chosen a story. You wrote it. You shared it. What’s next? Every single time the writers of the classic TV show “The Sopranos” met, the note was always the same. “Go deeper.” This week, we slooooow down so we can go vertical to find your unique language and deeply rooted true voice. No more copycatting and mimicking necessary. You are about to be unleashed – and to become unmistakable in the marketplace.
Week #7: I Was Blind But Now I See OR Re-Vision is Re-Seeing
Voila! Your writing will never be the same. Get ready for your pivotal shift. This week, we explore the process of radical revision to bring your story to the highest level so you can publish – and perform it – on any page, and any stage – virtual or real. This stage of the evolution of your story is critical. Learn the delicate techniques to peel back narrative layers so you can stand out and succeed.
Week #8: That’s a Wrap!
It’s time to get out there and tear it up! Time to help your people – inspire them, and blow their minds. It’s time to make a huge impact in the world. During this session you’ll create your Creativity Contract and Signature Story Action Plan for success.
Plus you also get…
Recordings of All the Sessions
There’s going to be so much great content you’re going to want to go back and listen to these sessions again and again. So, if you can’t make a call, don’t worry. You can listen at your convenience.
A Free Ticket to an upcoming
live event.
“After one coaching call with Rachel, I made back my investment to work with her.”
“Rachel taught me that I could cut back the teaching content and add my story to engage people more powerfully.
Before working with Rachel, I felt too close to my own stories. On our first call, Rachel quickly zeroed in on two stories I could use for my. I set the intention of filling the room with twenty-four clients. Twenty-six registered. I also set the intention that I would move twelve into my 10-week program. Fourteen registered! After one coaching call with Rachel, I made back my investment to work with her.
Then, on November 9th, I did it again. Same workshop. Some tune-ups on the story with Rachel. I set the intention for twenty-four and twenty-one attended. My intention was twelve for the group program and fourteen registered again!
The thing that MADE THE DIFFERENCE each time was telling MY STORY. I’d never shared personal stories in public before. People showed at both my workshops that they cared and related. Some were in tears. They wanted to know the real me so they could like me and trust what I am doing. Thank you, Rachel Resnick, for weaving my stories into my teaching so I can inspire and motivate people into action.”
Leslie Flowers
Women’s Performance Breakthrough Coach
“In less than three months our income quadrupled.”
“We had a few clients and were juggling several projects, hoping that they would eventually pay off. Confused about how to balance our ideas, I called Rachel. With her loving, kick*** support, she got me to see that we were lacking focus and commitment to ONE business, ONE signature story. We were trying to do too much. Rachel’s message was: get one right, make money NOW and then add more later.
The class exercises and homework made us ditch writers block, distill our message, and realize that our business IS our story. For the first time, after years of reading blogs, books and joining webinars I KNEW that I could make money AND connect with others in a deeper way.
The class had a synergistic effect in our lives. Rachel’s relentless message and encouragement, combined with our new-found focus and commitment to ONE business, ONE story, was a magical formula. In a short time, our bodywork schedule was getting busy, primarily from referrals and sharing our signature story.
If Rachel Resnick was only a talented writer and instructor, it would have been a great class. Instead, she takes it to another level. The difference is her willingness to be vulnerable and encourage the same, as a catalyst for connection, finding our authentic “voice” and monetizing our message.
Rachel pushed me to let go of old stories that no longer serve me, stories of loss and lack and struggle. Since her class I have experienced a new kind of confidence that I/we can find our tribe, charge more for our services, make money now and create a business with additional streams of income, all while helping others heal body/mind/spirit, which is our passion. In less than three months our income quadrupled. Thank you Rachel Resnick, Fire & Flow Boot camp, and Writers On Fire!”
Tina Vesper (and Dr. Scott)
“Within 10 days of implementing one of her techniques, I had a breakthrough and got a new client. That alone was worth the investment.”
“I recently found my voice, thanks to Rachel. Finding your voice is so much more than finding your voice. It’s finding yourself. Or finally letting your real self out. It’s connecting not to the essence of your voice, but the essence of yourself. Perhaps the essence you’ve forgotten about or squashed down. And that’s the only way possible to live your truth. Be who you are. And share your gifts with the world.
Before working with Rachel, I hadn’t really considered voice in regard to writing for business. Trained in straightforward public relations/news writing, I knew I was a pretty good business writer. There was so much I didn’t know. I didn’t know how to be vulnerable on the page, how to show my feelings – only how to tell how I felt. There’s a big difference.
When I hired Rachel, I expected to find my voice, learn how to bring that to my writing, and use it to connect and make sales. I had no idea Rachel would lead me on a journey to discover myself. Energizing writing assignments required me to dig deep, examine myself and reflect on my life.
Within 10 days of implementing one of her techniques, I had a breakthrough and got a new client. That alone was worth the investment. Even more valuable, I rediscovered my strengths and mustered the courage to “be me” in my business. I found not only my voice, I reconnected to the essence of myself. Now, I’m living my truth, radiating self-assurance and creating a fiery powerful brand I’m confident will bring me tremendous joy and wealth. Working with Rachel is priceless.”
Elaine Wellman
Mindset & Marketing Coach
“…attendance grew from 50 registrations to over 200 in a matter of months.”
“I came to Rachel’s Fire and Flow course frozen.
Frozen writing. Frozen feelings. I knew there was a story to be told, and asked for a way to make the shift. Intentions are great, but one also needs to act. Enter Fire + Flow. I started writing Rachel’s quick 1 minute vignettes…and my stories just started flowing again. Not from a place of woundedness, but from a place of inspiration. It morphed into story poems around my New Moon SoulCollages®.
I revamped my newsletter format using sharing story and art. Sharing these healing stories in my monthly teleclass women started responding having breakthroughs right there on the call. With story telling attendance grew from 50 registrations to over 200 in a matter of months.
These healing stories inspire other women to say enough is enough. Find their voice. Rachel’s fire + flow thawed these stories within me, helping me reach more clients and make more money. I feel so grateful.”
Rev. Michele Grace Lessirard
“…85% of the attendees signed up…(and) I got a whopping 60% open rate…”
“Can you recognize the gold in your stories? If not, you are missing out on helping the people that need you. Rachel sees the gold.
After working with Rachel for two intensive (and challenging!) weeks on my signature talk, I spoke from my heart for the first time in public.
The breakout session brought many in the room to tears. One woman said, “Your talk helped me gain confidence I need to step out and become who I’m supposed to be. You opened the door by telling your story.” That’s inspiration. And sales is the transfer of inspiration.
One man said after the breakout session, “I am resistant to doing the work I need to do for my health, but after hearing you — I know I have to work with you.” And he is. He’s now a new high-end private client.
That’s the power of adding personal narrative to your talks.
Other concrete results? 85% of the attendees signed up for my program. Plus the results from that talk lasted! Back home, I got a whopping 60% open rate on that program.
Rachel is ferociously talented at hearing the big truth in some small bit of story you toss out casually. She connects the dots from your heart to your authentic story to your clients. She helps you tap into the part of you that knows how to communicate what makes you unique. That part that does not play small, that is willing to bare its soul so others might feel you, and be moved to work with you.”
Gregory Anne Cox
“I clicked – I joined –
I’m in!”
“Engaging – brilliant – quirky – fun – absolutely gifted! That is Rachel…and she not only makes it clear that she can teach me how to write and communicate that way too…but she is ready to show me how that will engage prospects in a way that I could only hope to do with all the boring copy I have labored over for years!!! Fire + Flow Boot Camp – I knew I IMMEDIATELY knew I had to do it! I clicked – I joined – I’m in!”
Pam Wolf
Author – Speaker – Business Success Coach
“Business Growth with a Higher Purpose”
- You confidently, consistently and authentically get paying clients by connecting through your genuine voice and personal story.
- You easily and naturally convert your complimentary sessions into paying clients because you’ve already created a know, like and trust factor through your signature story and shared vulnerability.
- You confidently and intimately talk about how you help people and have them asking to work with you.
- You wake up every morning knowing you have the perfect number of clients to make your days fabulous, to pay all your bills and do and have the things you love. The fire of your creativity is unleashed along with your cash flow.
- You increase your visibility and influence through claiming your true voice and your signature story, so you can finally share your expertise on the larger scale you’ve imagined.
- You reach and help more people than you dreamed you could.
- You step into your full power, and you create a legacy.
The super low price for
Your Money Making Story Boot Camp is $997.
Here’s the deal.
I don’t want you to miss out.
I’ve hit on something, and it seems selfish to hold back. I want to stretch, and I want to learn how to share it on a larger scale. So you can benefit. Because without these tools, you aren’t going to stand out in today’s market.
The cool thing is, I now know they work for you. I’ve tested and perfected these powerful writing tools with a group of private entrepreneurial clients. Their results, as you can see from the various testimonials, are undeniable. Honestly – they surprised me. I can’t deny that my skills and techniques in personal story writing have insane commercial application. They help you connect and share your expertise in the most effective way in today’s crowded marketplace.
Expertise isn’t enough.
Mimicking simply doesn’t work anymore.
Not to mention that it’s unsatisfying.
Until now, only exclusive
high-end private clients enjoyed these tools.
Now that I know they work – I’m forcing myself to get over my fear of and unfamiliarity with new technology so I can share them with you. Because I want you to have these tools – and enjoy these concrete results! I want everyone to be able to create their own economies – like I am – so we are not dependent on old paradigms or tired institutions. So we are not putting up with crap pay because we’re artists or intellectuals. Or staying in stifling corporate jobs because we don’t know how to unleash our creativity and connect it to our expertise. So we can create our own lifestyles.
YOU can start a revolution.
That’s why I’m offering this powerful 8-week training
for the crazy low price of…
No, I’m not kidding! Are you game?
Rachel’s Guarantee for You
If you show up for all the calls and take all the actions steps in the program and are not completely satisfied, I will refund your investment and you can keep everything including the bonuses. I am taking all the risk here because I believe that strongly in the system… and YOUR success!
Have questions? Send me an inquiry here.
So stop and take a breath.
Take a moment and ask yourself
where you want your life and your business to be.
- Are you ready to dig deep, identify and shape your signature story, then
share it with the world? - Are you ready to have a huge impact on people’s lives?
- Are you ready to be working with ideal clients and making more money?
If you answered yes, then it’s time to make a decision and take action. It’s time to get the tools that will give you the advantage.
It’s time to step fully into your gifts and to start transforming lives.
It’s time to be seen! Your Money-Making Story Boot Camp is your secret weapon to getting the clients you desire and claiming the visibility and influence you dream of – Now!
“Not only do I have a thriving practice, but I’ve attracted only my “ideal clients”.”
“At 64 I had too many stories! I came to Rachel to help me sort through and distill each story’s essence. She helped me see the “through-line” of my experiences so I knew what to emphasize.
It must have worked. My prospective clients got to know more about me through my bio. And in the video I did for my site I was able to share my “core values” which Rachel also brings out in you through the course work.
I believe this focus allowed me to go from zero to a successful coaching business right from the start. Not only do I have a thriving practice, but I’ve attracted only my “ideal clients”. And I feel blessed to have worked with Rachel.”
Jan Rose Distel
Publisher, Speaker, Coach
“In a matter of months, I’ve doubled my business.”
I was in a serious funk. I’d been out of work for months, and with each day that passed, I lost more hope. Every job interview went south. Nothing was working .
I felt like a failure.
Through private coaching with Rachel, I was able to dig deep and reconnect with the once passionate and confident girl I used to be.
Rachel believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.
She helped me rediscover my purpose and start a new business, as a brand stylist.
In fact I just came back from an event for which I designed a sponsorship booth, and got to engage with hundreds of entrepreneurs on a daily basis. I was reminded how strong a communicator I am, and how much I love interacting with and serving people.
Since that event, I’ve relaunched my blog, signed my first client, and was invited to be a guest on my first webinar — as a brand styling expert! In a matter of months, I’ve doubled my business.
Paige Rolfe
Brand Stylist and Strategist.
“Every one of these Fire + Flow sessions was fantastic…I recommend Fire and Flow…”
“Every one of these Fire + Flow sessions was fantastic. Rachel is a fascinating teacher and the group engaged right away. I found a new way into my story that I hadn’t seen before. The techniques Rachel taught have brightened up all of my writing. There is such an immediacy in Fire + Flow — we went deep.
Rachel created many doorways to find the stories that have meaning in our lives and she is so enthusiastic about the discoveries. I recommend Fire and Flow—not only if you’re wanting to ID your signature story, but also if you just want your writing to be a whole lot more compelling.”
Madeleine Eno
Copywriting & marketing strategies that connect
“…I received a standing ovation.”
“Giving a TED talk was at the top of my bucket list. But I struggled to pull together everything I wanted to say.
Rachel showed me that the stories of my life were connected through perfectionism; it’s a prison. She helped me transform my talk and break through lifelong defenses like writing with humor.
I can’t describe what it felt like to be on that stage, to see people cry because they were so moved. I received a standing ovation.
Now I know how to step into the power of my story from a deeply personal place. I’m ready to claim a whole new chapter in my life.
It wouldn’t have happened without Rachel.”
Darryle Pollack
“…without you my book…would have been a flat, dull borefest!”
“You whip people into a mystical, magical frenzy and show them that you and only you can help them make money through their story – told right. You are the living example of everything you teach us. And I know you are the best because without you my book Convert Your Community to Cash: Monetize Your Connections would have been a flat, dull borefest!”
Richard Oceguera
Author, Speaker, Coach
“…my writing is no longer boring, and my engagement from readers went up considerably.”
I wasn’t sure if the bootcamp was the right investment for me, but I found a way to pay for it. She helps you discover your signature story, and I have a lot of stories after 40+ years with various serious ailments. I thought I knew my key defining moment — it turned out to be incorrect. There was another story that told a more gripping story that summed me up fairly well.
Most of my writing before the class was boring, and I had barely any engagement with readers. After her class my writing is no longer boring, and my engagement from readers went up considerably.
This class was a turning point in my career.”
Sam J Shelley
“I realize now — YOUR story is the hardest thing to write, and there’s a right way to do it.
Thank you for
showing me, Rachel!”
“This is both a huge celebration and kudos to Rachel Resnick and Writers On Fire. I have shared my story many times over the years and never really felt I was connecting to the audience, or they connecting to me. I worked with Rachel for one hour before a very important Webinar I was hosting and I was introducing a new online group program. I wanted my Story to shine.
One woman, whom I have had many sales conversations with but she was still on the fence about working with me, emailed me immediately after the Webinar and asked to speak to me about my higher level Master Mind program! This is a $15,000 program! Why she signed up? Besides having “touched” her for months, what really got her, she told me…she loved my story from the webinar!!! It was a bonus call before we even met for our Ignite Your Signature Story Intensive Day. Power of the story! Looking forward to more storytelling development training.
One of the hardest things for me. I realize now — YOUR story is the hardest thing to write, and there’s a right way to do it. Thank you for showing me, Rachel!”
Odette Laurie
Speaker, Author, Business Coach
The super low price for
Your Money Making Story Boot Camp is $997.
“Working with Rachel has been a game-changer!”
“Something was missing. There was a story from the past that wouldn’t let go. I sensed Rachel would challenge me. Rachel is a powerhouse of intelligence, grit and knowledge. I knew I needed to go places in my storytelling that I didn’t want to touch, because it was holding me back.
Rachel called me out on everything. What I love about Rachel is she’s relentless when it comes to her craft. She encouraged me to go deeper and assured me my story would ring true and attract clients. In three weeks I gave two talks. I told the story I had never shared publicly before. It felt like a weight lifted, to finally share the story that had shaped me so profoundly. After those talks, I sold out of my book. Then I enrolled 16 people in my tele-course. The most dynamic, successful members of the audiences were the ones who signed up.
Working with Rachel has been a game-changer. She created the opportunity to share one of the most life-changing moments of my life in a way that moves others into inspired action. Being vulnerable doesn’t mean I have to give up my power. It enhances it, and gives me a way to connect at a much deeper level.”
Deborah Dubree
Author, Speaker and Coach
“Rachel taught me what is probably one of the biggest lessons of my life, the importance of *going there*, beneath the secondhand story you’re trying to live to the real story trying to live through you.”
“I don’t write memoir. At least, this is how I always saw myself: as a writer of fiction. Memoir was something other writers did. Like Rachel.
And yet Rachel taught me what is probably one of the biggest lessons of my life, as a writer and a human and an aspiring artist-entrepreneur: the importance of *going there*, beneath the secondhand story you’re trying to live to the real story trying to live through you.
To know your real story is to communicate with warmth and power: the warmth of engagement, the power of impact. This has allowed me to build visibility online. This led to a major piece in Marie Claire magazine, as well as a recent TEDx talk in which I used personal narrative to deliver the idea of “the deep yes”.
Story opens people up, gives them entry points of connection, and makes them receptive to your offer and your message. Story shows you who your audience is — and shows your audience who *you* are and why they should care.
There’s a Hopi saying: those who tell the stories, rule the world.
There’s a business saying: the best story wins.
And here’s what I know: there’s nothing more personally satisfying than to tell your story deep and true, and to draw others in so that they can become a part of it. Story is truth, purpose, art, and community.
It’s also a gift.
Thank you, Rachel.”
Justine Musk
“Rachel delivers – let her help you find yourself to find your voice.”
“Rachel is the spark for the gunpowder within. During the course, I uncovered a fracking mine full of combustible, raw, real emotional ammo for every encounter, every moment, every occasion for me to generate connection. Rachel delivers – let her help you find yourself to find your voice.”
Scott Vineberg
Social Entrepreneur, World Better Faster.
USC Marshall School of Business
Masters of the Science of Social Entrepreneurship (MSSE)